Jordi Muntané, Ph. D.
Group Leader

ORCID: 0000-0002-6744-1121
ResearcherID: A-4591-2008

I am obtained the PhD degree in Biological Sciences (Animal Physiology) at the University of Barcelone (1988-1992) with a research stage in the INSERM U-87 (Toulouse, France) (12 months). The study evaluated the role of iron in lipid peroxidation during experimental inflammation.

The post-doctoral research period has been developed at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden) (1993-1994), INSERM U-128 (Montpellier, France) (1994-1995) and Hospital Universitary “Reina Sofía” (HURS) (1995-2001) (Córdoba, Spain). During this period, I demonstrated the specific pattern of regulation by inflammatory mediators on drug metabolizing system and acute phase response in hepatocytes. The different projects developed as a senior investigator in the HURS (2002-2011) demonstrated that the therapeutic properties of PGE1 are based on the NF-kB-dependent regulation of nitric oxide type II synthase (NOS-2) expression in hepatocytes during cell injury (D-galactosamine, D-GalN). The cytoprotective activity of α-tocopherol involves transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolism and drug-metabolizing enzymes, as well as nitric oxide-related posttranslational modifications of transporters in hepatocytes. N-acetylcysteine, coenzyme Q10 and superoxide dismutase mimetic reduce mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death in different in vitro models of hepatocellular injury. The different projects under development in the Hospital Universitary “Virgen del Rocío” (HUVR) (Seville, Spain) (2012-) are focused on the antitumoral properties of nitric oxide which involve induction of DNA damage and p53-dependent cell death receptor expression in liver cancer cells. The specific NOS-3 overexpression in liver cancer cells by first generation adenovirus increased cell death and reduced cell proliferation in tumors developed in mouse fibrotic livers. The group is actually involved in the elucidation of the intracellular mechanism leading to endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy and apoptosis, as well as alteration of cell proliferation induced by antitumoral (Sorafenib) and immunosuppressive (Tacrolimus, Everolimus and Sirolimus) agents in hepatocarcinoma cells.

I have been Associated Professor (University of Barcelone, 1991-1995), and actually Adjunct Professor at the University of Seville (2017-). I headed different national (n=8) and regional (n=9) funded research projects which results have been published in more than 150 articles in basic and clinical research journals. The papers sum 438,33 impact factor, H-index 27 and 2389 cites. I received 1 international and 7 national scientific rewards. I am in the Steering  Committee of Tergum that is an international bitechnology-based company.



Elena Navarro
Pre-doctoral Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0003-0765-9089

My researcher’s professional career began with the degree in Biology (2011) including a training period as internal student in the Department of Plant Biology and Ecology (2009-2011, Faculty of Biology, University of Seville). Since September 2014, and after obtaining two postgraduate university degrees (Official Master in Environmental Technology in 2013, and Official Master in Prevention of Occupational Hazards in 2014), I am part of the laboratory 209 (“Oncology Surgery, Cell Therapy and Organ Transplantation” at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS) where I have started my Phd study aimed to describe the molecular cell death signaling by Tacrolimus, Sirolimus and Everolimus in liver cancer cells. I have implemented in vitro models of cultured liver cancer cells, as well as in vivo experimental models based on the subcutaneous implant of cancer cells in nude mice. These experiments have required the degree in Protection and Animal Experimentation (2017).

I have been part of different research projects funded by public and private agencies. I have also participated in several national and international meetings, and included as authors in 4 scientific publications being the first author in one of them.


Laura Contreras
Pre-doctoral Researcher

She is describing the alteration of protein translation by Sorafenib in liver cancer

Patricia De la Cruz
Pre-doctoral Researcher

I graduated in Biotechnology at the University Pablo de Olavide (2016). I began my scientific career as an internal student (2014) in the field of apoptosis, and then continued studying the implications of autophagy in mitochondrial diseases. Last year, I carried out my postgraduate degree in Biomedical Research at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Seville (IBiS). Now, I have just started my PhD study in the lab of Oncology Surgery, Cell Therapy and Organ Transplantation at IBiS. My thesis focuses on the regulation of extracellular vesicle release by tumor cells and how drug pressure affects this cell process.


María Ángeles Rodríguez
Post-doctoral Researcher

She has detailed the molecular cell death signaling by Sorafenib in liver cancer cells. She has also established a new model of culturing HepG2 in spheroids, demonstrating the formation of necrotic core with traces of active apoptosis as well as hypoxic zone around them.


Elena Romero
Pre-doctoral Researcher

Functionalization of supramolecular hydrogels derived from photopolymerizable neoglycolipids for cell culture and Sorafenib cell targeting

María Negrete
Pre-doctoral Researcher

I finished the degree in Chemistry at the University of Seville (2016) including the final work of the degree (TFG) developed during 6 months with the main objective addressed to obtain suitable gold nanoparticles (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Seville). Since last year, I am carrying out the postgraduate university degree that includes the theoretical and practical courses of the “Official Master in Medical Research: Clinic and Experimental” (School of Medicine, University of Seville) (2016-2018). The practical courses constituted the TFM and its aim is the encapsulation and functionalization of Sorafenib by nanomicelles for the effective treatment of liver cancer cells. The TFM is being done in the laboratory 209 at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS, Sevilla) and the Institute of Chemical Investigations (IIQ, Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla) (2017).

Alvaro Vega
Pre-doctoral Researcher

The aim of the project is the identification of Bim’s mutations in blood from patients with advanced hepatocarcinoma, and their relationship to the responsiveness of Sorafenib. He is also describing the role of the interaction between beclin-1 and tyrosine kinase receptor in liver cancer cells in terms of autophagy signaling


Raúl González

PhD student (2003-2011)

Post-doctoral Researcher «Juan de la Cierva» (2016-2017)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1005-8292
ResearcherID: H-9113-2015

He is elucidating the nitric oxide-dependent post-translational modifcations and its role in cell death induce by Sorafenib in liver cancer cells


Miryam Cadenas

TFM Student



 She developed the TFM’s study entitled “Histological markers related to nitrosative stress and cell death as prognostic and evolution factors of patients with hepatocarcinoma subjected to liver transplantation” (2017). In addition, Miryam Cadenas established a new in vitro model for culturing HepG2 in spheroids during her ERASMUS stage in the lab of Bernhard Brüne (Frankfurt, Germany) (June 15-September 15 2017.