Identification of critical pathways involved in liver cancer

Identification of non-coding RNAs signature impacting hepatocellular carcinoma in patients and 2D/3D cell culture system based on liver cancer cells, stellate cells and Kupffer cells to identify molecular pathways related to induction/progression of cancer, interaction with co-morbidities and response to treatment. The in vitro studies are specifically addressed to the identification of the alteration of regulatory cell signaling leading to autophagy or apoptosis (endoplasmic reticulum stress, ROS and RNS, Nrf2, inflammasome and mTOR), antiproliferative and pro-differentiation properties induced by tyrosine kinase inhibitor and immune check points.

Development of nanomedicine-based antitumoral strategies

The group develop therapeutic strategies related to the nanotechnology-based modifications of Sorafenib in order to increase its solubility in water, evasion from the reticuloendothelial system, increase the permeation and retention, and selectively treatment of HCC. The group develops functional in vitro and in vivo studies of Sorafenib integrated in glyconanosomes, glyconanomicelles photopolymerizable and carbon glyconanotubules biocompatible with the phototermic ablation.

Institute of Biomedicine of Sevilla (IBiS)
Laboratory 209
Hospital University «Virgen del Rocío»
Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n
E-41013, Sevilla, Spain
Phone: (+34)-955-923122 (Office), (+34)-955-923121 (Lab)