Wellcome 2025!!!
Congratulations to Elena Navarro-Villarán for her PhD dissertation held last November 29, 2024!. The study entitled «Impact of lipid and carbohydrate overload in the molecular mechanism of Sorafenib in hepatocarcinoma» might have a high traslational repercussion in the clinical management of patients with advanced liver cancer. We also thank the PhD Committee constituted by Prof Francisco J Padillo, Victor Manuel Victor, Álvaro Giráldez, Teresa Carbonell and María A. Rodríguez.
We wellcome to Prof Hiroshi Suemizu Director of the Central Institute for Experimental Medicine and Life Science (CIEM) in Kawasaki (Japan) to visit our Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS). He gave an excellent talk entitled «Introducing the humanized chimeric NOG mouse & developing new in vitro research tools: HepaSH cells (October 22, 2024).
We will always remember Joana Pieretti from the Amedea Seabra’s group for her spontaneity, friendship, and the excellent paper entitled «Zinc-Based Nanoparticles, But Not Silicon-Based Nanoparticles, Accumulate in Mitochondria Promoting Cell Death in Liver Cancer Cells» published in International J Nanomedicine. She stay with us from March 1, 2023-February 28, 2024.
Congratulations to Patricia de la Cruz-Ojeda for her PhD dissertation held last April 17, 2023!. The study entitled «Regulation of miRNA expression during Sorafenib treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma. Development of a new therapeutic approach» was a great success. We also thank the PhD Committee constituted by Prof Francisco J Padillo, Josep M. Llovet, Silvia Vega-Rubin-de-Celis, Andre Boonstra and Alfonso Rodríguez.
Dr. Andre Boonstra (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) presented his most recent data in the cycle of seminars within our scientific program “Hepatic, digestive and inflammatory diseases” at the Institute of Biomedicine of
Seville (IBiS) (April 18, 2023).
María Negrete has fulfill all steps to become PhD!!! Yesterday, November 15, 2021 was a great day for all us. Maria has demonstrated a superior mental strenght. She has encountered a great number of drawnbacks but, she finally presented her PhD in the University of Seville! I am very proud with all the work you have done with us related and unrelated with your PhD. The members of the evaluation committee have been Rosa María Sainz, Isabel Fabregat, Inmaculada Fernández and Álvaro Giráldez.
Excellent seminar «Mitochondrial cholesterol in liver disease» taught by Dr. José Carlos Fernández-Checa within XIX Ciclo Seminarios IBiS. High quality data and brainstorming for future projects (February 6, 2020). Thank you!!
Mercedes Rubio-Manzanares Dorado presented her PhD last September 18, 2017. The study represents the first scientific collaboration between our group and the General Surgery Department of the Hospital University «Virgen del Rocío». The project entitled «Análisis de la viabilidad de los xenoinjertos de adenocarcinomas y tumores periampulares de pancreas» involved the implantation of adenocarcinoma from patients in nude mice. The jure of the thesis was constituted by Marçal Pastor Anglada, Miguel Á. Gómez Bravo, Miguel Á. García Ureña, Vicente Vega Ruiz and Carmelo Loinaz Segurola.
Congratulations Merche!!!
Daniel Francisco Aparicio Sánchez presented his PhD last September 22, 2017. The study represents the first scientific collaboration between our group and the General Surgery Department of the Hospital University «Virgen del Rocío». The project entitled «Estudio histopatológico e inmunohistoquímico de xenoinjertos humanos de tumores periampulares» involved the implantation of adenocarcinoma from patients in nude mice. The PhD Committee was constituted by Juan Sastre Belloch, Gerardo Blanco Fernández, José M. Álamo-Martínez, Ignacio González Pinto Arrillaga, Yiliam Fundora Sánchez.
Congratulations Dani!!
I have spent a very nice afternoon walking across all town with my friend Juan Sastre who I know from long time ago working in the field of free radical research!! Thank you Juan for coming to Seville!
Thanks to the Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) granted by the Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution-Age-Gender-Lifestyle-Environment (COST Action CA15203 MITOEAGLE) (20-30 November, 2017), I have initiated a new fruitful collaboration with the group of Professor Zuzana Červinková in the School of Medicine (Charles University, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic). We have obtained a nice preliminary data regarding the regulation of mitochondrial respiration using Oroboros Oxygraph-2K in liver cancer cells. I am sure that a great future is open working together in this field. Thank you very much Zuzana, Pavla, Ondřej, Otto, René and Halka!. I hope to see you very soon!
The first scientific step with the Zuzana’s group has been already been accomplished!!!!!. Rodríguez-Hernández MA, de la Cruz-Ojeda P, Gallego P, Navarro-Villarán E, Staňková P, Del Campo JA, Kučera O, Elkalaf M, Maseko TE, Červinková Z, Muntané J. Dose-dependent Regulation of Mitochondrial Function and Cell Death Pathway by Sorafenib in Liver Cancer Cells. Biochem Pharmacol 2020 Mar 7, 113902. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2020.113902. PMID: 32156660.
Raquel Chapestro has succesfully obtained her TFM presenting the study entitled “Antitumoral properties of Sorafenib, Regorafenib, Cabozantinib and Lenvatinib in 3D cultured liver cancer cells” with the score of 9,03 out of 10 (April 9, 2019). The study has been co-headed by María Ángeles Rodríguez and Jordi Muntané. Congratulations Raquel!
Carmen Frías has successfully obtained her TFM presenting the study entitled “Antitumoral activity and regulation of extracellular vesicles secretion by Sorafenib and Lenvatinib in hepatocellular carcinoma” with the score of 9,00 out of 10 (April 10, 2019). The study has been co-headed by Patricia de la Cruz and Jordi Muntané. Congratulations Carmen!
María Orellana has successfully obtained her TFM presenting the study entitled “Regulation of tyrosine kinase activity and its relation to the inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis by Sorafenib in liver cancer cells” with the score of 8,5 out of 10 (December 10, 2018). The study has been co-headed by Raúl González and Jordi Muntané. Congratulations María!
Friday, December 21, 2018. Christmas meal!!! Nice day guys!!!
María Negrete has successfully obtained her TFM presenting the study entitled «Increase of the antitumoral activity of Sorafenib by new nanotechnological-based formulations» with the score of 9 out of 10 (November 11, 2017). The study has been done in collaboration with the group of Dr. Noureddine Khiar (Instituto de Investigaciones Químicas, IIQ, Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla). Congratulations María Negrete!
Miryam Cadenas has successfully obtained her TFM presenting the study entitled «Histological markers related to nitrosative stress and cell death as prognostic markers of patients with hepatocarcinoma submitted to liver transplantation» with the score of 9.5 out of 10 (November 11, 2017). Congratulations Miryam!
I am proud to welcome Prof Shazib Pervaiz from the Yong Loo School of Medicine (University of Singapore) for the talk entitled «Pro- and anti-oxidant activity of Bcl-2» (July 21, 2016).